Helpful links
Important Links

Some useful organisations and websites to help you if you have problems, complaints, need advice or an independent assessment of something that has happened. These groups can help you directly or find you a relevant organisation to help.
Problems with anything you bought?
The Australian Competition Commission can oversee consumer rights. They have a fact sheet.
Questions about the National Disability Insurance Scheme?
You can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency. They provide information, referrals and support. The NDIA web page has email addresses, phone numbers, translator phone numbers and TTY numbers.
Concerns about aged care services?
The Aged Care Complaints Commissioner resolves concerns about aged care services funded by the Australian Government, including services provided in the home.
How to make a complaint about a provider?
If you have a concern about your current NDIS supports or services, it is important that you talk about it. The NDIS Commission can take complaints about:
1. Services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way
2. Services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard
Think you’ve been treated unfairly?
The Commonwealth Ombudsman investigate complaints from people who believe they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably by an Australian Government agency. It also investigates organisations that spend government money to deliver services.
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